I just had to congratulate my friend Jenny who gave birth to her set of twins yesterday, Walt and Daisy. Daisy came first weighing 5lb 8oz and 19 1/2 inches. Then Walt 21 inches and 6lbs 10oz. She did it at home!!! Hats off for that and also because they are #´s 4 and 5 and her oldest is 5!! Craziness!
Desde aquí quiero enviar mis sinceras felicitaciones a nuestra amiga Jenny que dio a luz a los gemelos ayer, Walt y Daisy. Daisy nació primero pesando 5 libras y ocho onzas y midiendo 19 pulgadas y media. Después salió Walt, 21 pulgadas y 6 libras 10 onzas. ¡¡¡Y los tuvo en casa!!! Me quito el sombrero ante ella, además porque los gemelos son los números 4 y 5 y el mayor de los niños solo tiene 5 años. ¡Es para volverse loco!
DANG!!!!!! Way to go Jenny. Walt and Daisy? That sounds an awful lot like a favorite place of mine!! Did she watch a lot of Cinderella as a kid?
If anyone can handle it she can!
WOW! I cannot imagine. I hope she has lots of help.
How are you doing? Don't you wish you were expecting two?
Hey, I didn't realize I was so special to be a post on ones blog, thanks!
To your friend Taryn, we had those names before we got pregnant as next in line of a girl and a boy name we didn't think of them together. We say Daisy and Walt because Daisy did come first and you don't think of it as much.
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